Our Programs Create Opportunity.
We support our scholars inside the classroom and out. Adjusting to, and succeeding in, college is difficult for students with the means to pay for increasing tuition fees, expensive books, and enrichment opportunities such as study abroad programs. Students with few financial resources may struggle to keep up, may fall behind, or may drop out entirely. At EdOp we identify youth who have the potential to succeed and we provide them assistance in three key areas of need.
EdOp Alumna Jovahana at St. Edward's University (Photo Credit: Whitney Devin)
Scholarship Fund
Educational Opportunities, Inc. commits an annual $9,000 renewable scholarship award to each student until completion of their undergraduate college degree, provided they maintain a satisfactory grade point average and course load each semester. Students are required to submit their transcripts at the end of each semester; if they have maintained their grades and hours, their scholarships renew automatically. Students with high grade point averages are recognized with additional monetary awards from memorial funds in the endowment.
Mentorship Program
Unique among scholarship programs, EdOp provides a mentor as well as financial assistance for every student. Board members serving as mentors maintain communication with students throughout their college years and beyond. Mentors often counsel students in such areas as managing finances, choosing college majors, and balancing their time between work and academic responsibilities. In addition, board members gather with students each May to celebrate their achievements in that academic year.
Textbook & Travel Support
In addition to their renewable scholarship, each EdOp student receives $1,000 for textbooks and student related expenses per year. As college costs rise, we continue to weigh the feasibility of providing increased support. Various memorial funds in the endowment are available to help students at out-of-state schools pay for transportation to return home once a year or to assist with travel expenses related to for-credit semester internships or study-abroad programs offered by their school. Through this additional financial support, we aim to give our scholars the tools they need to succeed on campus and beyond.

Barcelona was an amazing experience. I visited the La Sagrada Familia, climbed Montserrat, and toured a historic vineyard in the city. My peers and I even took a Catalan class!
Bobbie| Former Scholarship Awardee | Spelman College
Supporting our Scholars from Start to Finish.
EdOp’s Orientation puts college success in perspective. Each summer EdOp sponsors an orientation program for our incoming freshmen. Members of the EdOp Board and EdOp upperclassmen gather with freshmen and their parents to discuss the challenges and opportunities of college life. The program covers academics, social and dorm life, and finances. In many cases, the information the students gather in this setting helps them navigate their schools’ on-campus orientations.
Prior to the gathering, each freshman receives a set of “homework” questions covering topics that will be addressed at the meeting. These and other homework questions are discussed in small groups and augmented by other “pro tips” that provide insights about choosing the right level course, budgeting one’s time, staying on top of assignments, participating in class, choosing extracurriculars wisely, and taking care of one’s health (“Sleep, drink water, eat your vegetables, and don’t put your drink down at a party!”).
One of the most important takeaways of the Orientation is the reminder that EdOp students, whatever their high school or their family situation, have earned their place in college. They were chosen for their talent and for the contributions they will make inside and outside of the classroom.